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Category Archives: Health

Can PM 2.5 dust cause “nosebleeds”?

Can PM 2.5 dust cause “nosebleeds”?

You may have seen some posts online about nosebleeds or nose bleeds  during the time when we were fighting the PM 2.5 dust toxins. Just this dust can really cause us to have nosebleeds. Or is it something that people are panicking about? Let’s take a look at the information from

4 spices that Japanese people say help slow down aging.

4 spices that Japanese people say help slow down aging.

Glowing skin and beautiful, shiny hair are signs of youthfulness. However, as we age, skin and hair begin to lose their luster and elasticity. This is because the turnover of skin and hair cells slows down. As a result, most people have thinning hair. Have gray hair and

Why is "Papaya" an anti-aging food for people aged 40+?

Why is “Papaya” an anti-aging food for people aged 40+?

Beautiful, radiant skin is said to start with the way we eat. But for those who are older The body begins to change Decreased production of collagen and elastin The skin therefore loses its elasticity. And wrinkles and dark spots begin to appear. Did you know that ” papaya ” is one